Ueda Japan Radio Company

The challenge of building a wearable bed-exit sensorEngineers struggled to find battery that was both slim and safe


Wearable sensor alarm reduces costs

Solution Offered by EnerCera battery

  • The ultra-compact and slimline EnerCera Pouch type battery enables a sensor module small enough to be worn comfortably on the back.

  • As a semi-solid state battery with no possibility of leakage or catching fire, EnerCera battery is ideal for wearable applications.

  • EnerCera batteries can be used repeatedly to power sensor receivers, thereby cutting costs.

Sensor helps prevent falls, reduces need for supervision overnight

By using an EnerCera battery, the Ueda team was able to make their sensor alarm very slim and compact, thereby enabling it to be embodied as a wearable bed-exit sensor alarm that could be attached to the user’s back, reducing costs. Combining the sensor with a high-power EnerCera battery enabled sensing data to be transmitted in real-time, thereby enabling the developers to create a system that would immediately alert carers of any irregularities via their phones. The system helps prevent falls and other accidents, and reduces the workload of those caring patients overnight.

Mamottene Monitoring System

The Mamottene monitoring system detects patterns of behavior that arise before exiting the bed and alerts family members, thereby helping reduce the risk of falls and ease the burden of overnight supervision.

EnerCera battery series